Urgent Safety Notice – Kids climbing on pool patio covers

Dear Summerfield Homeowners,

This is a high priority notice to all homeowners and community pool users.  On a weeknight earlier this week, a group of kids were sighted on top of the patio covers in the pool area.  Damage was done to the wood framing of the patio cover.  THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM!

The two major issues here are damage to community property and potential injury to those on the pool pump room and patio cover roofs.

Most of you are aware that a couple of years ago, the Summerfield HOA approved and paid for an extensive solar heating installation for the pool.  All of the pipes for this installation are arrayed on top of the patio covers and pool room roof.  It would be disruptive and expensive if any of these pipes were damaged.  It would be even worse if anyone fell off while climbing upon or walking on the roof areas.

The pool area is a community resource for which all Homeowners share responsibility (and liability).  We need to ask that everyone do whatever you can to stop this dangerous activity immediately.  Please do not wait for a board member or “someone else” to stop this dangerous behavior.  If you observe something like this happening, please intervene directly and tell the kids to cease and leave the pool area or call the Poway Sheriff’s department (non emergency # 858-565-5200) to report trespassing in the pool area.

We all need to help avoid the impact of property damage or personal injury that could occur if this activity continues.

You may contact a member of the Board if you wish to discuss this issue or have ideas how we might best address the problem. (Email [email protected] or see https://summerfieldpoway.com/hoa-board/)

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Summerfield Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Improved Search Function

We have updated the search function on the website to use Google. This means that searches will now find words inside of our governing document PDFs, newsletters, and so forth.  This should make it easier to find the documents or announcements that have the information that you need. (Of course, Google will place an advertisement on the search page, just skim past that!)