Common Courtesy in Common Areas

We have recently had rocks and debris scattered in the grass and shrub areas by the pool, rocks thrown into the pool, holes dug in the pool area yard, sprinkler lines broken and toys left scattered and unattended overnight. This creates a potential hazard and liability for us all and for landscaping workers (consider the potential harm if a toy or rock is left out and thrown by a lawn mower, for example.)

The pool area (including the adjacent yards) is a community resource for which all Homeowners share responsibility (and liability).  We need to ask that everyone do whatever you can to help keep the pool and surrounding area clean and safe.  Please do not wait for a board member or “someone else” to take action when necessary.  If you observe something like this happening, please contact the parents involved or intervene directly and tell the kids to stop and leave the pool and yard area clean and ready for others to safely play in.

Please be considerate of your neighbors.

Thank you!


Photo by Daniel Watson on Unsplash