Summerfield 4th of July Parade and BBQ Potluck!

Save the Date – July 4, 2024!

Parade – 11am
Decorate your bicycles, wagons, stroller or play cars and join us at the Elmfield grass area for fun!
Too busy to decorate, come wave your flag and cheer on the parade!
Ice cream to be served after the parade
(sponsored by Denise Shields)

BBQ – 3pm
Hamburgers & hotdogs supplied by the Summerfield HOA
Bring a dish or two to share with your neighbors.
Tables, & tents will be set up in the grass area on Elmfield.
We will have a few grills set up by the pool area to use.
Come join the fun bring your chair or blanket and mingle with your neighbors!

We would love some volunteers willing to lend a few grills, EZups and 6ft long tables. Let us know if you are willing to bring over and share.
We will have games (cornhole & ladder toss) and an area for everyone to draw their patriotic chalk art on and near the Emfield grass during the potluck
Can’t wait to see everyone and celebrate!

Reminder: Summerfield Annual HOA Meeting Thursday May 30!
Reminder: Annual HOA Dues for 2024 – 2025