New to the Neighborhood

New to the Neighborhood? Start here!

On behalf of the neighborhood, the Board of Directors of the Summerfield Homeowners Association (SHOA) welcomes you to our community.  Our neighborhood HOA is governed and self-managed by a volunteer group of homeowners who are selected in annual elections to serve on the SHOA Board.  We think you will enjoy the neighborhood and hope you will have a chance to join in periodic neighborhood gatherings and perhaps volunteer to help with governance at some point in the future.

Automatic membership in the HOA is part of the property deed. The HOA was created with  the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the neighborhood (see the Summerfield HOA Declaration of CC&Rs) and intended to provide for the preservation, maintenance and architectural control of the residence lots and common areas (see the Summerfield HOA Articles of Incorporation). Escrow agents are obligated to have provided a copy of the CC&Rs at the time of closing when a property is sold. Owners and property managers should provide notice of the CC&Rs to new tenants.

When it comes to day to day living in the neighborhood, we strongly advise all new residents and property managers to review the following which provides general information regarding Summerfield, including common areas, pool rules, equestrian trails, and change of ownership requirements.

Board of Directors and committee memberships are completely voluntary. The five Board members are elected by postal ballot counted at the annual meeting in May. Owners interested in serving on the Board should contact any of the current members for additional information. We urge you to consider serving on the Board or the Architectural Committee and to attend the annual homeowners meeting. Notice is posted on our website and emailed to all homeowners in April notifying them of the date, time and place of the meeting. We also have a Social Committee that organizes neighborhood parties. We encourage you to contact the Board to get involved.


Please email the HOA at [email protected]  to notify us of any changes in your contact information, changes in renters or new individuals with Power of Attorney or Owner’s Representatives or new Property Management company info.

A periodic newsletter and other important community updates are sent to all owners, renters and property managers via email as requested, published in NextDoor and the private neighborhood Facebook group.

Note: Owners are required to provide and the Board is required to keep a current list of all owners and renters contact information. (California Corp. Code §8320(a). and Civ. Code §4740(d).)

Please keep us updated, so we can keep you updated!


Converse with the neighborhood on these independent websites — a great way to keep updated.  Need an invite? Contact us by email!–poway–ca/

Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or by contacting any of the members of the Board of Directors if you have questions or concerns.

Welcome to the neighborhood!