Summerfield Scoops – February 2023
In this issue:
- Crime and Safety Updates
- Call for Candidates!
- Spring time – Weed time
- Trash Bins
- Pool Notes
- HOA Contact Info and Current Board Members
- New to the Neighborhood? Change of contact info, new renters, new POA/Owner’s Representative?
- Feeling Social?
We are sorry to report that there have been several thefts in our neighborhood and more in the surrounding community. As we all know, opportunistic thieves have taken items from cars on periodic basis. Unfortunately, we have also had at least one home break-in, two vehicles stolen, one in the middle of the day and catalytic converter thefts.
We wanted to take this opportunity to raise awareness and provide some links to potentially useful information.
We are also researching having a public safety officer address the community. , or the Ring Neighbors app (you do not need to have a Ring camera to join) can be a useful place to receive and share local alerts, as well as our local private Facebook group.
Pubic Safety and Services Contacts & Websites
Our HOA website Public Safety and Services page has lots of potentially useful information regarding the Sheriff emergency dispatch and non-emergency number, Helicopter announcements, the Poway ALERT line,, Animal Services, AlertSanDiego, emergency preparedness, Poway City Council, Poway Water Conservation, Toxic Waste Disposal, City Trash & Recycling, finding contact info for public officials and Cal Fire updates.
Please check it out and let us know if you have recommendations for any additions.
Catalytic Converter Theft
Catalytic converter theft is a major problem since the catalytic converters can be very quickly cut out from a car or truck’s exhaust system and sold to a scrap dealer (for the platinum and other precious metals in them) for hundreds of dollars. Replacement can cost thousands of dollars.
Vehicle catalytic converters can be targets for criminals due to expensive materials that are used in their manufacture. Tips to protect your vehicle include:
- Park in your garage or a secured area when possible
- Welding your catalytic converter to your vehicle frame should be carefully evaluated before proceeding
- Calibrate your car alarm (if you have one) to be vibration-sensitive
- Engrave your VIN on your catalytic converter
- Some are recommending a ‘CatClamp’
- For questions about how to keep your vehicle safe, or anything related to crime prevention, please contact the Poway Station’s Crime Prevention Unit at (858) 513-2810.
Surveillance Cameras
If you are considering putting in video cameras, the reviews at sites like these may be helpful as you make your decision: Toms Guide, WireCutter and PC Magazine.
- In general, higher resolution video is better.
- Infrared night vision systems will not work through a window.
- WiFi connected systems may not stay online all the time if there is enough signal interference.
- Battery powered systems will need to be recharged – sometimes the first day after you’ve left on vacation (speaking from personal experience here…)
- Determine if the features you want require a monthly subscription in addition to buying the camera.
- When installing systems, be sure to consider California regulations governing recordings: Ask a cop: surveillance cameras and Security Camera Laws in California
- And of course bear in mind – video cameras may serve as a deterrent and evidence in the event of a crime, but are no guarantee of safety.
- If you are considering getting the ‘Ring’ video monitoring system – you may be interested in trying out the ‘Ring Neighbors’ app – it allows you to receive information from Ring system users about crime and safety reports (and sometimes local videos of coyotes and mountain lions), and is free and available to anyone whether using the Ring cameras or not.
Mail Theft
There have been videos and reports of cars cruising through RB going from mailbox to mailbox late at night. Apparently some checks have been stolen and the name on the check altered. If you decide to change out your mailbox for one that locks, please remember to submit an Architectural Improvement Form. If you do experience mail theft or tampering, please be sure to report it to the post office.
Safety On Our Streets
We want to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be extra cautious when exiting the neighborhood at the Summerfield/Espola light. There have been multiple accidents at this intersection over the years, including a pedestrian struck by a vehicle running the light. The board has previously been in contact with Poway traffic engineering, but the more residents that raise the issue, the more likely it is to get addressed. You may wish to consider contacting them or a member of the city council (we are in District 2) or the mayor to raise the issue as you personally see fit.
The speed limit within our neighborhood is 25 MPH, and we have a LOT of kids at play here. We encourage all residents to observe the speed limit and drive with caution at all times. If you see a delivery driver speeding, it may be more effective to get the vehicle number and call that delivery company and report any concerns.
We have a number of small motor bikes in the neighborhood – please make sure to operate these vehicles in a safe and legal fashion! Note that motorized vehicles are not allowed on the equestrian trails. Please consult the DMV website on two wheel vehicle operation, CHP motorcycles, electric and pocket bikes and the motorcycle handbook, and stay safe!
Call for Candidates!
One of the current SHOA board positions will be at the end of their term this year. Would anyone be interested in serving?
The Summerfield Home Owners Association takes care of paying the common area utility bills, maintaining the pool, the walkways, and helping to maintain our community standards and values. And for that, we need a functioning board – and for that, we need folks to step up to help the community. Please ask yourself if you’d be willing to pitch in to help keep Summerfield the great neighborhood that we all enjoy.
No later than March 15, please email to [email protected] if you are interested.
Spring time – Weed time
We are having lots of rain recently – and that greened our yards (but also our weeds….) Don’t forget that we all need to work within our architectural standards:
Yards must be maintained, watered, planted and replanted to prevent erosion and present a healthy and trimmed appearance (no more than 20% of lawn area dry or dying). Weeds must be kept under control in all areas of lawns and landscaping. Weeds in the sidewalks or driveways must be removed or eradicated.
Please note that early in the year is the time to apply pre-emergent weed treatments to lawns. But if they have already come up, please get them out before they spread all over your yard (and spread to all your neighbors’ yards…) Thanks!
If you have any question about landscaping – please email or call! Thanks!
Trash Bins
Please don’t forget our Architectural Standards requirement for trash bins: Placement of trash containers/bags in front of a dwelling is restricted to a twenty-four hour period surrounding a scheduled pick-up. After pick-up, empty containers should be stored in the garage or behind the fence out of sight of passers-by on the street.
Pool Notes
The pool is expected to open again on April 1 (no, not an April Fool’s joke!)
We continue to invest in updating the pool equipment and service – aiming to have as good an experience as possible for everyone. Having said that, we of course want to remind everyone of the pool rules (link here) which help to maintain that good experience!
If anyone needs a replacement pool key, they are available to residents and property managers for $5. Just email [email protected] to arrange to get one.
HOA Contact Info and Current Board Members
PO Box 28143, San Diego, CA 92198
[email protected]
SHOA Board Members
• Tom Halfaker, President 858-774-4103
• Denise Shields, Architectural Chair 858-859-1724 (please leave message or send a text)
• Brad Phillips, Secretary
• Michael Spring, Treasurer
• Dan Carr, Special Projects
New to the Neighborhood? Change of contact info, new renters, new POA or Owner’s Representative or Property Manager?
New owners, property managers and renters should learn about our community rules by reviewing New to the Neighborhood? Start Here! page.
Please email the HOA at [email protected] to notify us of any changes in your contact information, changes in renters or new individuals with Power of Attorney or Owner’s Representatives or new Property Management company info. This newsletter and other important community updates are sent to all owners, renters and property managers via email as requested.
Note: Owners are required to provide and the Board is required to keep a current list of all owners and renters contact information. (California Corp. Code §8320(a). and Civ. Code §4740(d).)
Please keep us updated, so we can keep you updated!
Feeling Social?
Converse with the neighborhood on these independent websites— a great way to keep updated. Need an invite? Contact us by email! [email protected]–poway–ca/