Summerfield Scoops – April 2022
In this issue:
- We are having an In-Person Annual Meeting!!!
- Pool is Updated and Open!
- Call for Candidates
- Doggy on leash… Doggy do-do…
- Spring time – Weed time
- Trash Bins
- HOA Contact Info and Current Board Members
- New to the Neighborhood? Change of contact info, new renters, new POA/Owner’s Representative?
- Feeling Social?
We are having an In-Person Annual Meeting!!!
After a two year break, please plan to join us for our annual review, updating everyone on our association activities, expenses and the planned budget, the status of board membership (see call for candidates below), and an open forum for questions.
Thursday, May 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Incarnation – community room
16889 Espola Road.
Pool is Updated and Open!
The pool reopened on April 1 (see the earlier announcement here.) The pool had quite a lot of maintenance over the winter break:
- most notable is the quartz finish replastering!
- extensive repairs to one of the skimmers that was leaking,
- new special order handrails to meet code
- pool room equipment upgrades, including a prefilter to catch hair and such and a cyclone filter that should catch silt type debris down to 30 microns; as well as an inline cholorinator that should help with water clarity
Additionally, we are now making plans for repairs to some of the pergola posts (darn those pesky termites!)
And a big thank you to Bob McCleary for his assistance with this major project!
We hope everyone has a safe an enjoyable summer using the pool!
Call for Candidates
Two of the current SHOA board positions are at the end of their terms. Would anyone be interested in serving?
The Summerfield Home Owners Association takes care of paying the common area utility bills, maintaining the pool, the walkways, and helping to maintain our community standards and values. And for that, we need a functioning board – and for that, we need folks to step up to help the community. Please ask yourself if you’d be willing to pitch in to help keep Summerfield the great neighborhood that we all enjoy.
No later than April 25, please email to [email protected] if you are interested.
Doggy on leash… Doggy do-do…
Summerfield is not only a great neighborhood for families, but also for dogs.
We ask all dog owners to please pick up after your dogs. It is common courtesy and required by the Summerfield CC&Rs. Article VI, Section 8 of the Summerfield CC&Rs states: “Dog owners are required to immediately remove any deposits their dogs might place upon the Common Areas, private Lots, streets, or elsewhere in the Community…”
- And according to San Diego County Code section 62.669(a) and California Penal Code Section 597, dogs must be kept on leashes and the person holding the leash must be capable of controlling the dog while in public.
- Poway contracts with the Humane Society for animal control, including lost and stray dogs and barking dog complaints. The number is 760-888-2275. See this web page for more information:
- For more information, see
Thank you for keeping Summerfield safe and clean not just for us humans but for our canine friends, too!
Spring time – Weed time
We are having lots of rain recently – and that greened our yards (but also our weeds….) Don’t forget that we all need to work within our architectural standards:
Yards must be maintained, watered, planted and replanted to prevent erosion and present a healthy and trimmed appearance (no more than 20% of lawn area dry or dying). Weeds must be kept under control in all areas of lawns and landscaping. Weeds in the sidewalks or driveways must be removed or eradicated.
Please note that early in the year is the time to apply pre-emergent weed treatments to lawns. But if they have already come up, please get them out before they spread all over your yard (and spread to all your neighbors’ yards…) Thanks!
If you have any question about landscaping – please email or call! Thanks!
Trash Bins
Please don’t forget our Architectural Standards requirement for trash bins: Placement of trash containers/bags in front of a dwelling is restricted to a twenty-four hour period surrounding a scheduled pick-up. After pick-up, empty containers should be stored in the garage or behind the fence out of sight of passers-by on the street.
HOA Contact Info and Current Board Members
PO Box 28143, San Diego, CA 92198
[email protected]
SHOA Board Members
• Tom Halfaker, President 858-774-4103
• Denise Shields, Architectural Chair 858-859-1724 (please leave message or send a text)
• Brad Phillips, Secretary
• Michael Spring, Treasurer
• Dan Carr, Special Projects
New to the Neighborhood? Change of contact info, new renters, new POA or Owner’s Representative or Property Manager?
New owners and renters should learn about our community rules by reading the “Summerfield Community Information” document in the General Information section of the Policies & Procedures page.
Please email the HOA at [email protected] to notify us of any changes in your contact information, changes in renters or new individuals with Power of Attorney or Owner’s Representatives or new Property Management company info. This newsletter and other important community updates are sent to all owners, renters and property managers via email as requested.
Note: Owners are required to provide and the Board is required to keep a current list of all owners and renters contact information. (California Corp. Code §8320(a). and Civ. Code §4740(d).)
Please keep us updated, so we can keep you updated!
Feeling Social?
Converse with the neighborhood on these independent websites— a great way to keep updated. Need an invite? Contact us by email! [email protected]–poway–ca/